Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sooner or Later, Out of the Hearts of Humanity.

Dog Poet Transmitting........

May your noses always be cold and wet.

What the fat cats want, the fat cats get. What I don't get is how they imagine they will be able to continue to fleece the public when there's nothing left to take. As usual, we find, once again, not The Jesuits, not Opus Dei and not any of the cloven hoofed popes, engaged in aggressive monkey business. We find, the usual suspects. Of course there are some things the former are engaged in. How's that celibacy thing working out? Anyway, the guys wearing the Big Satan Pants, consistently lower the bar below that of any other group active at human distress.

Israel and the demons they worship are getting very antsy. It's like certain serial killers and the full moon. If they haven't killed and dismembered someone for more than a certain period of time, the compulsion becomes very intense. This is why Israel is sodomizing members of the American Senate, in order to convince them to pass legislation legalizing an attack on Iran. In those cases where they have not been successful in the strong-arm rape of congressional representatives, they have the videos of them doing it to underage children set up in a honey pot sting. Of course they also use people of legal age when any simple scandal will destroy them. However! Never let it be said that this kind of behavior does not go through channels to gain even a divine imprimatur on the business. Absurdity piled on top of absurdity is the catchphrase of the day. The living, breathing, inhuman jokes, as perverse and unfunny as they are, have reached a point, even though tragi-comic where you can't help but laugh because they are so ridiculous. It's things like these that bring tears to my eyes. Ever since Russell Brand shoehorned the word 'lachrymose' into a YouTube conversation with a seriously red faced, alcoholic talking head... I haven't been able to use the word. Of course that was only a couple of days ago and the need for that word is not as great as say, 'and' 'but', 'the' and so on. Anyway, about the number one pimp nation being the planetary winner in the highest prostitution sweepstakes, one can readily assume that it is also number one in human trafficking, just as it is in illegal organ harvesting. Isn't the internet wonderful? Despite the fact that it takes near one college semester to learn how to effectively use a search engine and even so... some people remain forever mystified by them, when you figure out the complexity of the act, you're on your way. I compare it to being able to read Egyptian hieroglyphics. funny thing is, I can do one but not the other.

Anyway, it's too funny that pretty much every dastardly and illegal thing taking place has its home office in the same little country in the Middle East. It's flat out amazing how many things they have their snaky little fingers into. Is there any other possible conclusion to all of this information than that some kind of justice is on its way? Day by day, Mr. Apocalypse is bringing evidence of the crimes of the few to the eyes of the many. It's all scripted. The rise of the Roman Empire was scripted just like the Fall of the Roman Empire. I used to enjoy reading Tacitus. You get such a deeper look into how things worked and how things happened. Things make a lot more sense when you possess the details. The same holds true about the truth.

Many people hear the truth, often as a direct statement, such as ISRAEL DID 9/11 but... without the details, people, given that they are genetically programmed to be knowitalls, are suspicious of sweeping declarations, especially when those declarations force them to take positions that might harm their economic status, given that Tribe Central Bankers own the currency presses and the money supplies and can apply pressure in all kinds of ways, if you don't get down on your knees in front of them, metaphorically and literally. When you see things like this, it ought to wake you up, unless it is preferable to sleep in a burning bed.

There goes Visible, talking about the same thing again. They are out to get you. That's why he's talking about it. They run the banks and Wall Street, both of whom are stealing from you 24/7. They run your government which is doing so many things to you, getting ready to do so many things, or thinking about and planning so many things to do to you that I don't have space here to list them. They control what you read, what you see on TV and in the movies and what music you hear through any of the usual mediums. They are poisoning your food supply, stealing your water, corrupting your police AND guarding your nuclear facilities. They've ruined your medical care. They are serial racketeers. It's not Iran that should be bombed. It's not Iran that should be boycotted. It's not Iran that should be censured. It's not Iran that is an aggressive predator. It's not Iran that is attacking all of her neighbors. It's not Iran who is setting up false flag chemical attacks. It's not Iran who is committing genocide. It's Israel, Israel, Israel. They ARE out to get you. Things like this are all over the place but no one objects. There's scads of evidence. They are on record saying that they hate you, are going to destroy you and at the very least will enslave you.

If they did not have control of the financial system they could not do this.

The facts don't lie and the reason for this repeating action is always the same thing. It's what is happening today. Money is changing hands. It's simple, financially back the most flexibly malleable and corrupt politician in every race, from dog catcher to the dog in the White House. Following that you can pay them to do what you want or you can threaten them, or set them up in a honey trap with underage boys or girls, depending on whether they are Republican or Democrat. Since they are corrupt and flexibly malleable, this is not hard and there are things you can put in drinks that inflame the libido and loosen the inhibitions like GHB and meth.

Once it enters into the wider gentile mind, what these monsters have in store for them, once they see the formation of the Soviet Gulag on the streets of their town, the force to do it will dissipate to nothing simply by the awareness of consciousness. My job and the job of all heralds in this time is to proclaim the coming age, expose the enemies of humanity and generally tell anyone and everyone to be optimistic despite appearances. "A change is gonna come."

In every book of lasting impact, regardless of how convoluted or doctrinaire, it is stated that the enemy of humanity will fall. I have a personal theory about the coming of the Avatar this time. I believe this time and because of the size of the population that the Avatar will come in the hearts of Humanity, speaking in every language, that universal language of love and brotherhood. It will come in a rising rushing roar. Time will stand still as the hairs rise on the backs of every neck... for one of two reasons. As of now the worm has turned. All the whining, sniveling and patently transparent lies no longer work.

I'm waiting on that rising rushing wind of living song; Dreams of Appetite (scroll down for it).

Alright people, still hammering on that same point but that same force is hammering on us. They are the gray cloud on a sunny day. They are that sense of menace. They are the source of the rising crime index due to the financial hocus pocus. Check out the statistics! Here's the game plan. They say that 50% of America lives in the city at the moment and they say in a few years it will be 80% They are actively working to drive people into the cities where they are easier to control. They are taking over the family farms and turning all agriculture into massive agri-business. They are taking possession of the drinking water. This effort is spearheaded by Nestles but municipalities all over the country are passing legislation to take control of the public's water, even if it runs off your roof. Meanwhile, fracking companies have free access to all the water they desire because they paid off the politicians. Most of this is backdoor stuff. A lot of cash is changing hands. They are militarizing law enforcement. Behind all of these efforts is the enemy who is pushing for that Soviet Gulag. Look what they accomplished in Russia. This time they are going to be exposed. This time... well. we'll see.

Let's end on a football note, sanctimonious, holier than thou, the ever prissy and anally retentive Mike Florio; Mr. Rectitude from the poker up the rectum zone, is running with his Savonarola meme. Few things bug me so much as high salaried, white lawyers getting all humanitarian and PC about something they have no ethnic connection to, simply to make themselves look good. I see this kind of thing every day, people jumping the fence from one side to the other from reading the power swing. Why is there only ONE Native American tribe worked up about this, at least publicly? Obama, who is as big a hypocrite and double dealing, conscious-less creep as has ever come down the pike but who is still a tad historically short of that other application of the pike, is in favor of changing the name, so following that, send in the clowns.

End Transmission.

There will be a radio broadcast tomorrow, check the comments section here on Monday.


magicfmxx said...

just watched your interview on fttf
do you mean that there are other people connected by a silver thread to heaven
youre just an old hippy like me
back to the commune brother!
find a trade do your work with love do not fear failure do not crave success
keep the faith

Visible said...

You can't be an old hippy when you're young at heart (grin).

Richard said...

Mas and Mas Visible

One word less to use for the tears flowing from a certain emotional source.

The Herald of Coming Good, a short treatise on the nature of the New Age- the Age of Empathy.

Be well, be Alert, keep the Heart pristine.

Sketchy 1 said...

Like the song says, "It's aaallll may-ke- believe"

marilyn said...

les visible,
you are so right about it. i can trace every problem we have back to lack of love. at least the ones i know of. being that you are a few rungs (or many,lol) above me, you probably know of more than i do..
i don't know everything but i know enough.
love to all,

Anonymous said...

Your a big man for getting 70 million people killed. What do you think will happen when you kill 10% of Israel's population? What is 10 fold retaliation for that?

Visible said...

Will someone please help Anonymous into the disorientation room? He has a dislocated context.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

It's "you're;" not "your."

Eudoxia said...

hmmmm am thinking this is most definately the same anonymous that apparently exposed you Mr Viz LOL These people really love self abuse. It's like having a bruise that you simply can't stop poking. All those unprocessed emotions churning around inside, scrambling all the centers. I think the resuscitation room is probably more apt!

Chinese Sneakers said...

This the most succinct, hard-hitting piece on the problem that we face that have ever read, bar none.

Seems the writing has been so powerful that anon-y-mouse is losing it, and is now threatening us with the samson option (grin).

Surely they're losing it and the time of reckoning is near.

Thanks again for all you do. Please know that you are not alone. We are legion and the truth will out.

Be(e) well.

Anonymous said...


You da best there is. Say it again and again, louder, louder.

What is there to lose.



howisthere42 said...

Hi les
A world without the threat of atomic weapons interesting site anonamous.
Food for thougt.
Its actually quite liberating to have that feeling.
Maybe Iran is just playing a game of tennis with the united states of Isreal and we are all the balls.


Anonymous said...

The only time someone has ever approached my with an offer to exchange sex for money it was a goddame Israeli who was living in Vegas, strip dancing in gay club, so I don't doubt some of the news stories you linked here. I turned it down, I have to much dignity, and it wasn't small change he offered me $400,someone in the night club was using him to come after me with that offer, even drunk I said no. There are certain lines within our boundaries that some people cross, and some people never compromise. I can look back on my life with no shame. Though I may have been naive about a lot of things. Another thing I've never done is gone to a bathhouse to cruise. That doesn't mean I don't have tolereance for those who choose that form of socializing, what they do is their business, and as long as they don't have a problem with me passing on that lifestyle I don't have a problem with what they do.

Ginnie said...

Dr. Doodiddler told me that these things can happen if you fall asleep without turning off your vibrating butt plug!

Stop that anonymous or you could get Herpes of the Mind!

Where do I send the bill?

insiam said...

You lost me when you got to the bit about football. Otherwise very a very powerfull and informative post :)

Maybe its just me (again) but i don't get what anon means in - 'Your a big man for getting 70 million people killed'

who's a big man? which 70 million?

Anonymous said...

the truth hating terrorists who print the currency and run the stool sculpture deity cult compound and claim to be "Israel"

- even though "THEY" are not -

are responsible for over 300 million braindeadgoy murdering their neighbors in just the last century...

FOR FILTHY LUCRE...and unabashed "JEW" worshipping !

how twisted and confused is that

self righteous "JEW" worshipping assholes are going to enjoy "JEWTOPIA"....

especially the GOOD BAPTISTS....

no one on Earth HAS to stay in the stool sculpture deity cult compound



Curtis Matthew Ellsworth said...

Yes, I believe positive change is coming as well. The world leaders are eating their dumb dumb selves out of house and home like biblical locust creatures, alienating themselves from any possibility that once the truth starts coming out, that the truth telling will ever stop until all the beyond idiotic, criminally insane institutions get exposed, and someone is making sure that the truth will out...for his part. Nobody who's deep in satanic shite is gonna get it until they get it, then it's 1-900-WHAA time for them if they want to complain, so to speak. Until then, and I know this is more than a little cryptic, I'll be haranguing some stupid "scribes" of sorts via 1-999-9999, and they often enough "have to" hang up on me, given what the deal is there. Ha ha ha! I'll have to explain that one later, once things get started.

Visible said...

There's no real difficulty in anyone exposing me because, so far as I know, I'm not concealing anything

Anonymous said...

I know why God chose them. To make a complete demonstration that will last an eternity you must "choose" the right group. The most racist, bigoted, and prejudiced nation ever created would definitely do the job.

You are correct Vis, Holy Spirit being poured into the hearts and minds is the ONLY cure and it is but, a false flag event away.

San Antonio, Las Vegas and Seattle have been winding up since the death of JFK for that final boom from between 500 and 700 feet...

Our Father being a perfect mix and with a good time personality loves a piñata party. Sooner or later Mr. A is gonna connect and knock the shit right out of that Israeli goat.

Thank you so much for maintaining the sanctity of the Word. Keep barking because the fangs of the bite are getting sharper by the post and the pack is growing by the minute.




All the foul groups you mentioned have been infiltrated by the very same goat.

Anonymous said...

we could stop using their money

Visible said...

I'll be glad to stop ,using their money as soon as I come into the possession of some of it (grin).

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blogs, with interest, with enthusiasm, with empathy, with furor, for a while and almost all of what you have propounded and enunciated is sound, if at times... (grins) lachrymose and schmaltzy, understandable, even commendable, but I have noticed one thing: you have spoken in praise of blacks, you have spoken in praise of mexicans though they don't call themselves that, they call themselves la razza, but you should know, you have spoken in defense of amerinds, you have aptly called a spade a spade and gone after the synagogue of satan with a righteous wrath and relish, you have derided whites, on numerous occasions, but you have never spoken in defense of Whites.

Not once.

Argumentum ad ignorantium.
Neither a thesis, nor an antithesis, not a synthesis, but cum tacent clamant nullisis.

Need you a graphic daily reminder of the "gratitude" of "minority" on white murders and rapes that happen, a-thousand-times-a-day, for a spell until you ... start showing some fucking honest objectivity?

Me thinks, perhaps the satyam vijayate speak truth to power too oft used rhetoric smokescreen, has an agenda after all.



lofty eccentricism
misunderstood valiance
blessed genius
prone to profligacy,
is not special
but rather common.

Visible said...

anonymous, you are a liar. I have not spoken in praise of Mexicans and I haven't spoken in praise of blacks either. I don't pick races. You're one of those racists who thinks they are clever. You start your comment; 'first the kiss then the whip'. You think people will just believe what you say because you said it. Anonymous is always in doubt to begin with.

I praised Mexicans but I didn't call them that? Go away.

Anonymous said...

Blood and thunder Les - beautiful, you know I like that - thank you.


Ginnie said...

Ahem! "We came here not to praise Anonymous, but to bury him!"

"Affectation is the ridiculous effort of the ignorant to appear wise, the attempt of the barren soul to appear rich."

Pantagruel said...

Anatomy of Melancholy “[H]ad he read the Golden Legend, the Turks’ Alcoran, or the Jews’ Talmud, the Rabbins’ Comments, what would he have thought?”

Francis Bacon, of Atheism “I had rather believe all the fables of the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind.”

Pantagruel said...

TALMUDI FIGMENTA*. Then they gathered themselves together to examine certain books; approaching closer, I saw in them bizarre illustrations. For instance, feathered and winged beasts and wingless birds; beasts with human and men with beastlike limbs; one body with many heads and one head with many bodies; some of these monsters had a head in place of the tail and a tail in place of the head; some had eyes on the belly and feet on their backs: some had ears, mouths, and feet without number, while others had none. Everything was strangely transposed, twisted, inverted, and perverted, as well as greatly out of proportion: one limb was a foot long, another a rod in length; one was a finger's width, another a barrel's; in a word, all was monstrous beyond belief. But they, claiming all this to be historically correct, praised it as excellent, and the older exhibited it to the young as a mystery. "Who would have imagined that there would exist folk who actually relish such unappetizing things, " I remarked. "Let us go elsewhere, leaving them alone." We went out, and I noticed these people mingling with the rest; however, they were disliked by all others and were the target of their jests and pranks. This inclined me to disdain them.

The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart

Anonymous said...

Ah, Vis, you refer to FUJPAC, often misnamed AIPAC. F*ckin Unscrupulous Jews Pimping the American Congress

Dodgy One said...

What hideous creature is that which competes with satan for the biggest arrogance prize of eternity.
What filth does not it wallow in to corrupt.
What utter perversion is not adored as an art form by those without any notion of creation.
Hate the mirror they do for the sight is a violation of the right to exist.
And mock the creator to make a zion of hells excretion.

Rid us soon of this abomination I prey.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Soulless Corporate Whores, Doing the Inverse Cowpie in the Pig Sty



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